GedHTree HomepageIndex
1973 US launches Skylab space station
1981 Columbia is first space shuttle
1991 Persian Gulf War
1992 Trade Pact, US, Canada, Mexico
1999 Panama Canal turned over to Panama
1939 - 1945 World War II
1945 Atomic bomb detonated (Hiroshima)
1950 Korean War begins
1964 - 1973 Vietnam War
1969 Armstrong first person on the moon
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1908 Ford produces Model T
1913 Edison invents movies w/sound
1914 - 1918 World War I
1929 The Great Depression begins
 Leo A Schmidt
 b.1907 Illinois
 d.1972 Alton, Madison, Illinois
 Paul Allan Schmidt
 d.2019 St Louis, Missouri
 Ann M Hanlon
 b.1909 St Louis, Missouri
 d.2004 Alton, Illinois
 Michael Schmidt
 Cody Schmidt
 Janice Watsker
 Lindsey Schmidt

2001 Terrorists destroy WTC towers
1973 US launches Skylab space station
1981 Columbia is first space shuttle
1991 Persian Gulf War
1992 Trade Pact, US, Canada, Mexico
1999 Panama Canal turned over to Panama
1939 - 1945 World War II
1945 Atomic bomb detonated (Hiroshima)
1950 Korean War begins
1964 - 1973 Vietnam War
1969 Armstrong first person on the moon
 Paul Allan Schmidt
 d.2019 St Louis, Missouri
 Michael Schmidt
 Janice Watsker
 Cody Schmidt
 Deliiah Schmidt
 Addalyn Schmidt
 Makalyn Schmidt

1929 The Great Depression begins
1939 - 1945 World War II
1945 Atomic bomb detonated (Hiroshima)
1950 Korean War begins
1964 - 1973 Vietnam War
1898 Spanish-American War
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1908 Ford produces Model T
1913 Edison invents movies w/sound
1914 - 1918 World War I
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
 Charles Karl Schmidt
 b.1848 Germany
 d.1900 Carlinville, Illinois
 Anthony Philip Schmidt
 b.1891 Carlinville, Illinois
 d.1970 Carlinville, Illinois
 Elizabeth Mary Fischer
 b.1860 Carlinville, Illinois
 d.1948 Carlinville, Illinois
 Rita Schmidt
 Laurence Charles Schmidt
 b.1927 Carlinville, Illinois
 d.2013 Belleville, Illinois
 Robert Bellm
 b.1854 Illinois
 Ramona Roberts
 Frances Elizabeth Bellm
 b.1900 Litchfield, Illinois
 d.1999 Carlinville, Illinois
 Anna Link
 b.          Illinois
 Richard Schmidt
 Laurie Mogus
 Robert Schmidt
 Josefa Johanna

1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
1898 Spanish-American War
1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1908 Ford produces Model T
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1773 Boston Tea Party tax rebellion
1775 - 1783 Revolutionary War
1776 Declaration of Independence
1789 George Washington first president
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
 Hartmanni Wolff
 Margaretha Wolf
 b.1767 Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
 d.1811 Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
 Mariae Margarethae 

1903 Wright brothers 1st plane flight
1908 Ford produces Model T
1913 Edison invents movies w/sound
1914 - 1918 World War I
1929 The Great Depression begins
1861 - 1865 Civil War, North vs. South
1867 Alaska Territory purchased
1869 Transcontinental Railroad complete
1879 Edison invents phono/light bulb
1898 Spanish-American War
1789 George Washington first president
1803 Louisiana Territory Purchased
1805 Lewis and Clark reach Pacific
1812 - 1814 War of 1812 with Britain
1846 War w/Mexico,Calif & NM acquired
 Johann George PITTON
 b.1787 Rennerod, Germany
 d.1837 Nassau, Germany
 Charlotte Petton
 b.1811 Germany
 d.1871 Carlinville, Illinois
 Anna Gertrud HABICHT
 b.1783 Langendernbac, Germany
 d.1825 Nassau, Germany