
Note    H535         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

Title: Conser Family Tree on posted by Jim Bish
Call Number:
Media: Book


Note    H536         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

Title: Conser Family Tree on posted by Jim Bish
Call Number:
Media: Book


Note    H537         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

[Scott A Haney.GED]


Info taken from the book "The Conser Family" by Col.. John P . Horan 1981[2485774[1].GED]


Info taken from the book "The Conser Family" by Col.. John P . Horan 1981


Note    H538         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]


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First Name



Note    H540         Index

[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]

[Scott A Haney.GED]


Info taken from the book "The Conser Family" by Col.. John P . Horan 1981[2485774[1].GED]


Info taken from the book "The Conser Family" by Col.. John P . Horan 1981


Note    H541         Index
[Robert Ruhl and Mary Farrier 20081222.GED]


Elias Sherman Conser was born September 19, 1867 at his parents farm southeast of Gilson i n Haw Creek Township, Knox County, Illinois. Elias was the 12th child born to John and Mary M agdalena (Grenoble) Conser, however only ten were living at the time of Elias' birth. Thre e brothers, William, Jacob, and George, were at least fifteen years older than Elias as was h is sister, Sarah. Elias grew up as one of the younger siblings in alarge family. Just a yea r after Elias' birth, his eldest sister, Sarah died unexpectedly. Two years later, in 187 0 a younger brother, Arthur Martin Conser was born and about the same time, Elias' two oldes t brothers, William and Jacob, removed to Nebraska in search of a homesteads for themselves . His brothers would claim homesteads in York County, Nebraska and before long Elias' parent s strongly considered moving near them. Meanwhile, in 1873, the last child born into the Joh n Conser household arrived, a sister to Elias named Edith Elma.
In 1875, Elias' parents, John and Magdalena Conser, decided to leave their Knox County , Illinois home of thirty years and follow their two eldest sons to York County, Nebraska . Elias' father purchased 160 acres near the homesteads of both son's and the family move d overland in 1875. The journey was especially difficult for Elias' two-year old sister, Edit h. She fell ill and never recovered, passing away on October 13, 1875. She was buried i n a burial plot located near their farm. Elias was now eight years old and must have felt sa dness as did the rest of the family with little Edith's passing. However, life at
that age was probably a great adventure for Elias, and his new home offered him a chance to k now his oldest brothers, William and Jacob, as they were out of the house before he really kn ew them. Elias did not live in York County, Nebraska for long as in the following Spring, Jo hn, Mary Magdalena, and family, including Elias, moved farther West to a farm in Furnas Count y, Nebraska. His father was securing a homestead of his own.
During the Spring of 1876, America was preparing for its Bicentennial celebration, Georg e Armstrong Custer positioned himself for a showdown with the Sioux and Cheyenne, and the Joh n Conser family began living in Furnas County, Nebraska about six mile North of Oxford. Thi s was practically frontier territory as most of Elias's neighbors at the earliest arrived wit hin five years of the Conser family arrival. Elias's closest neighbors while growing to adul thood on that Furnas County farm included the Watson, Scott, Griffith, and Rankin families . Elias attended Pleasant Hill District 33 School, located only a few miles from his home . Elias completed his education at that school.
In 1892, Elias married a neighbor girl, Belle Rankin. Belle was born in Dane County, W isconsin to Alexander and Lydia Rankin. She was one in a family of eight girls and two boys . While there, Belle attended school in nearby Lodi, Wisconsin. In 1877, Belle's parents so ught opportunity in land farther west in Nebraska and removed to Alma while deciding a locati on for a homestead. The following year, 1878, Belle's brother, A.C. Rankin, moved to New Er a Precinct (township) to homestead 160 acres near where the
Conser family then lived. Belle's parents decided to homestead 160 acres adjoining A.C. Rank in and the family moved there in 1879. Belle attended nearby Pleasant Hill school with Elia s Conser and it was on her parent's farm that she grew to maturity. After her formal educa tion, Belle passed the teachers examination and taught for a time in the area District 17 sch ool before marrying Elias. At about the same time, Elias's brother, Ulysses, and Belle's sis ter, Grace married each other.
After marriage, Elias and Belle sought land of their own and searched for land to be hom esteaded. They found unclaimed land about 90 miles west of Oxford in fast growing Chase Coun ty. Ulysses and Grace (Rankin) Conser also went out to Chase County to homestead and both fa milies homesteaded next to each other nine miles Northeast of Imperial in section 13 of Chas e County's Pearl Township. By 1895, both Conser families proved upon their homesteads and no w each owned 320 acres after acquiring school land from the state. Elias and Belle decided t o sell their farm and in March 1903, they sold their farm for $2,150 to Henry Smith. A few y ears before selling their farm, Belle's parents moved to College View, Nebraska near Lincol n in Lancaster County. After living a few years in College View, Elias and Belle joined Ulys ses and Grace Conser, then living in Nashville, Tennessee. In 1918, both Elias and Belle cau ght
influenza as an influenza epidemic spread the country. Both became critically ill. Belle di d not recover from the illness and died in Nashville in 1918 and was buried there. Elias sl owly recovered, but never returned to full health.
After Elias's health was strong enough to work again, he moved to Madison, Tennessee whe re he helped to rebuild the Nashville Agricultural and Normal Institute located there. Whil e at Madison a second severe attack of influenza almost took his life, but he was nursed bac k to health by the faithful services of Miss Goldie Smith, to whom he was married in 1919. E lias's physicians advised that a change of climate would be best for his health so Elias an d Goldie moved to a new home near Hartsel, Colorado. After just three years in Hartsel, Elia s passed away at his home on August 16, 1922. His loss
saddened those who knew him as he was a very cheerful and trustful person, who was always rea dy to help the needy, his neighbors, or his friends in a moments notice. He was survived b y his wife; Goldie, five brothers; William, Jacob, George, Ulysses, and Arthur and three sist ers; Melissa Watson, Kelista Watson, and Matilda Thomas. Services for Elias were held on Aug ust 21, 1922 and he was buried in Evergreen Cemetery at Colorado Springs, Colorado.